Exploring the Connection: Narcissism and Alcoholism - Infermieristica Web

People can misuse alcohol without having AUD or being addicted to alcohol. They might infrequently have bouts of excessive drinking, for example, but find that it doesn’t affect their life and that it’s easy to cut back on alcohol (or to stop drinking entirely). If alcohol misuse begins to impact your life, health, or safety, you might have AUD. Although alcohol misuse and AUD can cause someone to display narcissist-like behavior, this behavior might change when they’re sober or in recovery. Leaving an alcoholic narcissist requires careful planning and support. Narcissists hate rejection and are liable to respond aggressively or use manipulation to make you change your mind.

  1. If your partner’s conditions worsen, prioritize yourself and any loved ones involved.
  2. As a result, you may feel resentful and frustrated as you struggle to maintain healthy boundaries in the relationship.
  3. Similarly, people with dual diagnosis can manage their symptoms with appropriate treatment.
  4. In addition, the need to constantly look and act perfect may cause some people with NPD to develop depression, anxiety, or other mental health symptoms.
  5. Alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous, so it’s important to seek medical help.

However, it’s recommended that both conditions are treated at the same time to improve your likelihood of recovery. Relapse is a common experience among people who are recovering from AUD. You can take steps to prevent relapse, such as recognizing your triggers and joining a support group.


Just as narcissism doesn’t necessarily cause alcohol use disorder, alcoholism doesn’t necessarily cause NPD. The two conditions may co-occur, but it is often difficult to determine which disorder occurred first. Below, we’ll dive into just how strong the link between narcissism and alcoholism is, the similarities and differences of these disorders, and what to do if you or someone you love shares these traits. A 2014 study looking at infidelity also found that people with narcissism were more likely to be unfaithful during a relationship. A 2015 study of college sexual assaults revealed that perpetrators scored highly on a narcissistic personality scale after completing a questionnaire.

Individuals diagnosed with clinical narcissism are more likely to misuse drugs, alcohol, and prescription medications. In addition, people with NPD have a higher risk of being diagnosed with more severe mental health disorders, including schizophrenia. Integrative care is essential to ensure clients with narcissism and alcoholism have the guidance to manage their co-occurring mental health disorders.

The co-occurring conditions may begin at the same time and overlap. In any case, the two co-occurring disorders can interact in a manner that makes the severity of both of them worse. Narcissism is intense self-involvement to the extent that it makes the person overlook the needs of people around them.

Join a Support Group

However, there is some evidence that having narcissistic personality disorder can make you more vulnerable to alcohol abuse. A mental health professional can talk through the symptoms of a narcissistic personality disorder and rule out other behavioral disorders. They may ask the person to fill out a questionnaire about their behaviors. It’s worth noting that not all narcissists exhibit the same behaviors. Some may have high self-esteem and a healthy sense of self-worth, while others may exhibit extreme narcissism and a lack of empathy for others.

Ways to Deal with an Alcoholic Narcissist

This behavior reinforces the narcissist’s sense of entitlement and reinforces their belief that they are above the rules. Coping with an alcoholic narcissist can be challenging, and setting clear boundaries to protect yourself is important. This may mean limiting your exposure to their behavior or seeking support from friends and family. While these alcoholic narcissist alcohol and narcissistic personality disorder similarities exist, it’s important to note that alcoholism and narcissism are different conditions with unique characteristics. While helping your partner, refrain from enabling their addictive and narcissistic behaviors. This includes not making excuses for their actions, covering up for their mistakes, or taking responsibility for their problems.

However, the presence of narcissistic tendencies can increase the risk of developing alcohol use disorders and contribute to the severity and persistence of alcohol-related problems. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) outlines the criteria for diagnosing NPD, including a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. However, it is important to note that not all individuals with narcissistic traits will meet the diagnostic criteria for NPD. Exploring the relationship between narcissism and alcoholism can provide insights into the interplay of these conditions. Narcissism, a term derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus, refers to a personality trait characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.

Healthcare professionals and psychologists may use a set of criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) to diagnose narcissism or AUD. Reach out to loved ones you trust who can walk with you through the recovery journal. Treating each condition independently can sometimes lead people to “choose one over the other,” especially if care is not coordinated. One example is being referred to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) on the presumption of AUD. In such cases, a person might start to question the diagnosis and abandon treatment altogether even if another condition, such as NPD, actually exists.

It also found that people who watch internet pornography are more likely to have narcissism than people who do not. Sian Ferguson is a freelance health and cannabis writer based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s passionate about empowering readers to take care of their mental and physical health through science-based, empathetically delivered information. To get started, contact a doctor or other healthcare professional, or reach out to a therapist. Genetics also seem to play a role in the development of both conditions. In both NPD and AUD, childhood trauma — including abuse and neglect — may be a risk factor.

Are most Narcissists Alcoholics?

If you choose to speak with a friend or family member, be clear about what you need and expect from them, including confidentiality. Similarly, using alcohol doesn’t mean a person with NPD has AUD, even if there have been incidents of extreme intoxication. Both AUD and NPD have distinctive symptoms and features that occur a brief history of alcoholism independently of each other. When you’re caught in the crossfire of someone with these symptoms, recognize that you aren’t responsible for their behavior—as much as they might try to pin it on you or someone else. Read more about living with a person who has AUD and managing a relationship with someone who has NPD.

Combat Social Anxiety

People with narcissism may have difficulty recognizing or accepting when they lose control of their drinking. Learning about clinical narcissism and alcoholism independently makes it easier to understand their connections and how the conditions may influence one another. By working towards a healthier and more fulfilling life through these strategies, individuals can break free from the destructive cycle of narcissism and alcoholism. It’s important to note that not all individuals with alcoholism develop narcissistic behaviors, and not all individuals with narcissistic traits become alcoholics.

For help or guidance, contact a therapist skilled in addiction and recovery. Alcoholics and narcissists can also rapidly change moods and behavior. If alcoholism and mental health you’ve dealt with a narcissist you know that one minute they can be charming and pleasant but then turn around and become threatening and attacking.

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